Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Peaceful Walk/Hike on the Mill Brook Path

The Mill Brook Path, which begins across from Fayston School, is an ideal path through the woods for mountain bikers or for walkers who might want a bit more of a challenge. Some stretches are level, while others require some more effort, but overall its a beautiful, wooded hike!
Starting out, I crossed over the wooden bridge, which offers great views up and down the brook.
I took a seat for a few minutes to watch the water flow by...
Continuing on, I discovered that the path included vary degrees of difficulty, as well as differing forest scenes. One moment I might be walking through a dense pine grove, and the next I could find myself in a stand of birches or out in the sun in a small, fern-filled meadow.
Here are a few more things I saw on my walk:
A tiny bee buzzing around a flower,
a large centipede crawling over a leaf,
and a trickling waterfall by the side of the path.

The other great thing about this path is that it is 2.1 miles from one end to the other, but you can turn around whenever you want, making the hike as long or as short as you like. 
Take advantage of the nice August weather to get out and explore the Mill Brook Path!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Take A Hike On the Warren Path

"We made it!" With joyous laughter we emerged from the woods onto an outcropping of rock overlooking a green valley. Following a short, strenuous hike on a hot day, we were glad to have a place to sit and admire the view.
The Warren Path starts from a small parking lot across the fairgrounds from Warren School. Across a small meadow, the path ambles through a sunny pine forest for about 0.5 miles.
At the end of the path, there is an extension for more ambitious hikers that follows a fairly steep trail up the hill for another 0.5 miles to Warren Vista. It involves some clambering and panting, but the view is well worth it!
After a small snack and a few more minutes of taking in the view, we prepared ourselves for the downward scramble back to the bottom of the mountain. Following the trail back through the woods to the grassy meadow, we sighed happily with the feeling of accomplishment. It had been a great hike.